More About Massage Therapy
The positive use of massage therapy dates back over 3000 years. In today’s medically advanced evidence-based world the benefits and advantages of this specialised treatment method has been highly researched and reviewed. The most up to date research shows that this type of intervention may relieve pain and stiffness within your joints, improve your blood circulation, promote soft tissue relaxation, improve your joint functionality, promote venous return and promote lymphatic drainage from within your targeted tissues.
Massage therapy (also known as soft tissue manipulations or soft tissue mobilisations) is performed by using specific movement patterns and different pressures which are applied over the soft tissue structures of your body. Soft tissue structures simply consist of your skin, connective tissue, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia. These specific patterns are usually performed using hands, fingers, arms and specific massage devices. These movement patterns are performed with the aim to manipulate and move the fibres being requiring treatment. This type of anatomical movement pattern allows the physiotherapist to perform either cross fibre friction or elongation techniques on your soft tissue structures depending on the outcome needs.
There are many different forms of massage therapy available to help you maintain your health and wellbeing regardless of your occupation or choice of sport/exercise. Moreover, deep tissue massage and sports massage are the most commonly used and highly sought-after treatment modalities available, which are designed to assist in correcting problems and imbalances caused by repetitive use and/or strenuous physical activity, sustained posture and/or direct trauma to the soft tissue structures. The application of sports massage before and after a workout or sporting event has been proven to enhance your performance, correct problems and imbalances within your soft tissues, promote your recovery and greatly reduce your chances of soft tissue injury.